You are here: Command-Line Procedures > Viewing the Mail Log

Viewing the Mail Log

You can view the ZixGateway mail log. One application of this ability is to watch traffic for testing purposes. After you have checked the mail log, you can change the settings back to their former values.

To view the mail log:

1. Select Configure Server > Logging.
2. In the Mail Logging area, set the Logging Levels to debug.
3. Select Apply.
4. Select the Manage Cluster.
5. Deploy and Cycle the cluster.
6. Establish a KVM or SSH session with the ZixGateway appliance.
7. Enter the following line at the command-line prompt.

$ tail -f /var/log/zixvpm/mail.log

The cursor returns to the start of the next line, ready to show the ZixGateway mail log while mail is processed. The log entries appear here.

8. Press Ctrl+C when you are done viewing the mail log.